Do you believe in Paranormal? Ghosts? Afterlife?
Had a very weird experience over night. From what I can tell, my phone went on a trip by itself or someone took my phone on a trip? Now, before I begin typing out what happened, I checked for a system update, and there was none. The only thing I forgot to do, was plug it in to charge. I went to bed it was at 42% battery life. I woke up and it was 30% battery, phone was in airplane mode, I had a missed call, (never heard my phone ring) from a number that brought chills to my spine. 789-2051 was the number, no area code. That is my old land line number from growing up!!! All my screen settings were gone and the phone was also in safe mode? I went to settings to get it out of safe mode and airplane mode… When I came back to home screen, the missed call notification was gone, as well as the call. I am a bit confused, concerned and just want to know what, how and who? LOL! My saved home screen images are gone. I went to received calls, the number is gone from there too. I am bummed slightly, really loved my home screen image! It isn’t even in the phones photo gallery. But I am more, really interested in what happened over night and why that number came up and then vanished? I want to know if that was someone from my past trying to contact me? someone that has passed on to the next realm? Like do I call a paranormal expert to Debunk something for me? LOL!!! I woke up at 4:15 this morning not scared, smiling actually… the birds were singing, the fresh smell of non-humid air… Then my phone jingled it’s notification and it just got weird, like, WTF? type thing? Where the hell did my phone go overnight? I am totally open for discussion on this. For real.
In non-paranormal news… The studio is under slight construction. I feel that should always be a standard thing? LOL! Re-arranging and trying to DIY artwork storage. Oh, yeah, I got a job! I think that is why I am reconstructing some. I got a day gig, so I can have $$ to put towards my nighttime/side gig! I am pretty stoked to be making money again… Working will be good for me too… I feel this is a more family oriented company, smaller businesses usually are. Start that gig on Monday, so this weekend is focused on playing house and getting prepared for the next chapter. Nervous some with my mom being in her final stages of life… but I had such a good talk with my mom and SHE encouraged me to do this and keep living. I told her she was still my priority and that won’t change. And I was even honest in my interview in letting them know that my ma was in hospice. They actually were very appreciative of being honest. So, heh, maybe this will be a good gig! I got a pretty good feeling… that is always helpful.
Stay tuned for some pictures of artwork and jewelry for sale, videos of fun projects I am doing and I might even go LIVE! What???? Peace love and happiness to you all!