Well, Uffda, time does really fly. I am not going to sugar coat anything, life has been a challange. And lets clarify that, Life is good, things that happen in life can get challanging. About 3 months back or more now, I wrapped up shop and went silent for a period of time. I wasn't sure what to do with my studio, my work.. my art.. and it got very overwhelming. Not knowing. Having a craft business was what I thought I wanted for a long time...but after doing some soul searching and realizing that the love of art and crafts comes within...and making it for others was proving to diminish the light I have for it for myself and that was gnarly. In my soul searching, I got a short oracle card reading, I did some meditation, I looked deep inside and found that I wasn't put on this earth to just be. I was put on this earth to create ART, to craft, to use my creativity energies and let them color the world as they may. I am just starting this transformation but I can promise you that it is going to be amazing and I can't wait to share all of it with you!
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