Closing the day out with a beer, thoughts of planning, journaling and business savvy things. Don’t know what tomorrow will bring but I know that I am going to wake up better than I did today and I maybe, tomorrow there will be more of a purpose? I tried so hard today to figure out how to have one solid planner with everything I want and need. How can I do that? I can my witches planner, my happy planner, my art journals all become one entity? I honestly think this will help me balance… The ability to jot those certain thoughts during the day, or draw the design that pops in my head, plus add all the appointments, chores, EVERYTHING.. The everything planner… So tomorrow after the donut gig, it is a quick stop to a craft store and back to creativity and figuring out the everything journal and planner.
Until next time… dream big, live fully and laugh often…. Just totally made that up and after today’s gnarly wear and tear… that is pretty fucking rad!