We all have somewhere that brings us back to our roots. Reminds us how precious life really is. For me, I have a few places but one place that I, at some point in my life, became distant to, the one sacred place I truly feel is special is my family lake home. This home was my mother and fathers home before the passing of my dad and the demise of my mother going into a nursing home. When things in my life were not so good, I would pack up my daughters and escape to my parents place, in what my father used to call, Gods country, Up north Minnesota. My niece and her husband have purchased the property now and have maintained the up keep of this sacred land. I love them for doing this, even if it started out not so happy. We have had some gnarly times in the past decade on this land and how it all went down but in the end, family is family and regardless of what it is or was, living during a world wide pandemic has taught me that my family is the most important piece in my life and keeping good with them is not only therapeutic for me but it has again taught a very valuable lesson in life. Sometimes things don’t always happen the way you perceive them to be or that you even wish. That doesn’t make it wrong, it makes a decision that was made and one that you learn to live with. I know in my heart that if things would have been different back then, I would have been involved in helping my mom transition to not living here in this home, her and my father picked out. So when it all went down, I held my mom up high and helped her live life in a nursing home and my family transitioned into having another home to take care of and learning to live lake life.
But now, we balanced out, I think. As we are still living in a worldwide pandemic I have started to relinquish my relationships with my sister and my niece. I am starting to rebuild and it feels good. So I take this moment to reflect on this sacred ground. I know my dads spirit is still here and I know when my mom passes to the next realm, her spirit will live up here too.