Positive thoughts create positive actions. I don’t even know where I read that but it has always stuck to me. Even though I sometimes let the negative slip in, I always fight back with that thought. I have learned that with life, comes some negative and as much as you work each day to remain positive, negative peeks its ugly head and we have to become much stronger to kick its ass. So, KUDOS! to all who are fighting negative each day, you keep kicking ass!!! Stay strong and always know you are worth way more than you give yourself credit for.
Last year my word was fearless. And holy shit, even if I don’t think I did, I became very fearless. I over came many fears and even fears I didn’t think I had. No lie, 2020 was a year to be fearless. My word this year is Change. It was the first word that came to me when I actually sat down and thought of a word. Having a word for the year, is a lot more attainable than making new years resolutions. I know it may sound silly but, we all do things to help us grow. I like to pick a word and work towards fulfilling the words meaning. Change for me means, making those changes I have wanted to make for several years. Life style changes, spiritual changes. To focus on my business and change the way it is going, turn it too a more exciting and profitable change. This seems easy but will be a challenge for me.
So here is to a new year, a new change…Positive thinking, positive actions and so much happiness. Oh, and if there is one more thing to add for this year. I want to hug my mom. I want to hold her hand and just sit next to her and chat.
Peace, love and happiness to all!